Could Mementos Help Alzheimer’s Victims Remember?

mementos help Alzheimer’s victims remember

If you are newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you might feel overwhelmed and a little hopeless. But according to the Alzheimer’s Association, accepting your new circumstances is a huge step towards improving your quality of life. Among other things, you should look for the best ways to cope with memory loss.

Experts say that mementos help people living with Alzheimer’s remember important personal memories. Although this approach might not work for everyone, a huge number of people find it helpful.

A memento is simply an object or document that will remind you of a past event, and there are many different kinds of mementos you can consider.

Photos and Video Recordings

These days, almost everyone keeps digital copies of photos and recordings that remind them of past events. So to prepare for the possibility of future memory loss, it’s a good idea to select some particularly good documents, and make a special folder for them.

You can record new videos as well. Many people who have Alzheimer’s like to use a camera to record their own thoughts and reminisces. You can also ask your family and friends to participate in this. It will prove very helpful down the line.

Written Documents and Objects

If you collect postcards, ticket stubs, or other objects, it’s a good idea to sort through them as soon as you can. Even if you have never kept a journal before, you might benefit from writing your memories down. Additionally, you should consider adding captions to your photo albums.

Memory Boxes

Alzheimer’s can make it difficult to find objects in your house. Thus, it might be best to store all your mementos in the same place. A memory box should be large and in an easy-to-reach place.


The more often you recall a memory, the less likely you are to lose it. Hence, mementos help people living with Alzheimer’s remember even in advanced stages of the disease.

Tell your loved ones about your mementos, and let them help you put a memory box together. Your life goes on, in spite of Alzheimer’s, and there will be new memories you can add to your collection.

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