Healthy Eating Might Prevent Alzheimers

Preventing dementia is possible through a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet rich in oxygenating foods. When we think about nutrition, we usually associate it with achieving a good set of abs or a thigh gap, but in reality, a balanced diet that incorporates all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for a stable organism is the key to a healthy aging.

Is there a diet to fight dementia?

In the same way that there are foods that improve skin elasticity, reduce cholesterol levels or help you to gain muscle, recent research has found that there are “brain-friendly” foods. They reduce the risk of memory loss among people who eat meals rich in iron and Omega 3 such as leafy greens and bluefish.

Such diets have been studied for their significant health benefits in the battle to prevent memory loss and improve learning at all ages. They act enhancing the neuronal capacity to generate fast connections by improving your mental agility in everyday life or crucial situations, let’s say, during finals or through business negotiations.

Foods that help you fight dementia:

Among the leading foods that can help prevent or delay loss of cognitive agility and memory, we found:

Whole grains:

Choosing foods with low glycemic index slows down the release of sugar into the blood. Therefore the production of energy is more stable, and consequently, the brain functions related to this activity develop for more extended periods of time.

In addition to being an excellent source of carbohydrates, whole grains are also ideal for diabetic regimens. In your next visit to the market, buy these ingredients:

  • Quinoa
  • Wheat Bran
  • Wheat pasta
  • Whole grain bread
  • Integral rice

Fatty acids:

Fats such as Omega 3 are sets of polyunsaturated fats with anti-inflammatory effects that are produced by our body in small quantities, so low that’s difficult to achieve substantial effects on our health.

Present mainly in the retina for ocular functioning and neurons; it facilitates process such as coagulation, digestion, relaxation and muscle contraction.

Incorporate them into our diet, in addition to supplements and Omega 3 capsules, will increase brain and cardiovascular capacity, since they benefit cognitive health, blood flow, and prevent degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or memory loss.

Basics Omega 3 sources are:

  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Chia seeds
  • Soy and derivatives
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Nuts


Particularly blueberries stand out for their antioxidant abilities and delicious taste. Whether in yogurts, baking goods or directly from the bag, blueberries are a healthy snack ideal for a brain-friendly diet.

Blues, the color of the intellect, protect the brain and memory because their nutrients and vitamins help to inhibit the damage that free radicals cause at the cellular level, which eventually results in cognitive deterioration. Also, they are considered to help prevent cancer, combat aging and strengthen the immune system.


Not only is the favorite fruit of the millennial diet, but the avocado is also a complete food, rich in fiber, essential fatty acids, and potassium; furthermore, it has no harmful cholesterol levels and is rich in antioxidants.

Its effects on digestion and cardiovascular health are only exceeded by those it produces in mental performance.

Olive oil:

An indispensable ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, it is one of the best oils to cook healthily, without risking increasing cholesterol levels in the arteries. It contains high levels of antioxidants, helps fight bad cholesterol and helps prevent neuronal deterioration.


The favorite element of Italian cuisine, originally from Mexico, this passion-red fruit contains high levels of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that not only gives it that characteristic crimson color but actively protects cells from the damage of free radicals that cause the aging of all types of cells, including brains.


An Asian cuisine favorite, broccoli contains in its flowers and stems excellent health benefits due to its high content of antioxidants and vitamin K. If you are one of those who resist its bitterness, there are many delicious ways to cook it that can help you accustom your palate.

Foods that cause brain damage

As we have already seen, some foods help preserve brain health. There is also another type that, although delicious, should be consumed in moderation since the excess of its intake produces cardiovascular risks, cell aging and increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. CITAR:

Excess salt:

Foods with a high salt content increase the risk of high blood pressure, which can break capillaries of the brain and therefore generate clots that, in addition to the death of neurons, represent a risk of strokes. This weakening of the blood supply, in the long run, is one of the primary causes of dementia.

Red meat:

Associated with cardiac diseases, the excessive consumption of red and processed meats increases the presence of bad cholesterol in our blood. Therefore they limit blood flow through our veins and arteries, with which the brain receives progressively less oxygenation and, as we have seen, leads to early cellular death.

Fried or fast food:

When we are happy our brain produces a significant amount of dopamine, a hormone responsible not only for our excitement but also for retentiveness and memory. Butters, margarine, and cheeses rich in fats can be an obstacle to happiness.

The so-called “Fast Food” not only inhibit the production of dopamine, a sign present in Parkinson’s cases, but because of its high levels of trans fats, they increase the risk of heart attacks. They also enhanced production of free radicals, with which they accelerate the aging of the organism internally and externally.

The diet of a patient with dementia:

If a patient has already been diagnosed with a decrease in cognitive function, it is advisable to provide a diet that meets not only their nutritional needs but the emotional ones.

From now on the daily routines of the patient with cognitive impairment should be simple but stimulating, and this also goes to the food.

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