Is Snoring a Warning Sign for Future Memory Loss?

Snoring could be a sign of future memory loss

Do you or your partner snore? It may be more than a nightly nuisance; snoring could be a sign of future memory loss.

Snoring and Memory Loss

Sleep problems like snoring seem like more of a nightly irritation than a warning, but that is exactly what it could be. Studies have shown a link between snorers and premature memory loss.

Researchers found that sleepers with obstructive sleep apnea show tissue loss in the area that affects the memory. According to them, the period of not breathing when you have sleep apnea causes brain injury. The injured area is associated with memory and thinking.

Due to this, sleep apnea increases the risk for dementia. However, memory loss associated with sleep apnea is reversible. One of the ways to decrease your risk of dementia and other memory loss related disease is to seek help for your snoring.

There are a variety of ways to help with your snoring. You can participate in a sleep study in a medical center, or at home, so your doctor can fully diagnose the problem. You can wear an oral appliance, such as a mouth piece. This will help your mouth and jaw maintain the correct position to keep air passages open.

You can also wear a mask while you sleep that applies pressure and utilizes a pump to force air through your airway. Called continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), many people find the mask uncomfortable to sleep in.

Lastly, you can try surgery. Whether traditional or laser, the procedure basically involves trimming excess tissue in your throat. The widened air passages help with snoring.

Final Thoughts

Snoring could be a sign of future memory loss. It is no longer a minor nocturnal nuisance. The nightly damage to your brain tissue can contribute to early onset memory loss diseases.

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