Stuttering: When Speaking Your Mind Becomes Difficult to Do

treatment options for stuttering

What is stuttering exactly? People who stutter will repeat one syllable or word several times in a row. Stuttering can be a minor inconvenience, but it can also severely impede your ability to communicate.

This article will take a quick look at the main causes and treatment options for stuttering.

What Causes Stuttering?

Researchers have found that it is possible to pinpoint the physical cause of stuttering.

Stuttering is a speech impediment comes from a brain dysfunction. Specifically, there is an area of the brain that is responsible for speech fluency.

In the case of stuttering, this area becomes overly active and sends excess signals. Thus, stutterers repeat words or syllables without meaning to.

So how does this brain dysfunction happen?

You can inherit a tendency to stutter from your parents. In this case, the speech impediment starts in early childhood. But for some, stuttering can come from brain trauma such as a head injury or stroke.

Significant Treatment Options for Stuttering

Unfortunately, this speech impediment doesn’t have a cure yet. However, there are certain treatment options for stuttering that can make a lot of difference. Some of these are created with children in mind, while others can help adults.

Therapy is an extremely important part of treatment at every age. After all, stuttering can make a person feel anxious and reluctant to speak. It is very important to address this in a professional setting.

Self-help groups are effective as well. They provide a chance for people who stutter to exchange experiences and resources.

What about more direct treatment? There are currently no FDA-approved drugs made to ease stuttering. But sometimes, anti-anxiety medication can achieve this effect.

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